Dette bildet ble tatt på den Norsk sør vest kyst. Vi stoppet ved en strand og denne uanselige grass klyngen ropte på meg og hvis du ser nøye på den vil du se hode på et vesen der. Jeg har prøvd å få frem den følelsen og stemningen jeg hadde med denne tilsynelatend ubetydelige grass tust. Men alt har en betydning og verdi hvis gresstusten ikke hadde vert der til å holde sanden på plass ville sanden bare fyke vekk. Det samme gjeller deg også, du er verdifull selv om du ikke er stor og synlig i verden.
This picture was taken on the Norwegian southwest coast. We stopped at a beach and this insignificant clump of grass called out to me and if you look closely you will see the head of a being there. I have tried to convey the feeling and atmosphere I had with this seemingly insignificant clump of grass. But everything has a meaning and value if the clump of grass had not been there to hold the sand in place the sand would just blow away. The same goes for you, you are valuable even if you are not big and visible in the world.
This picture was taken on the Norwegian southwest coast. We stopped at a beach and this insignificant clump of grass called out to me and if you look closely you will see the head of a being there. I have tried to convey the feeling and atmosphere I had with this seemingly insignificant clump of grass. But everything has a meaning and value if the clump of grass had not been there to hold the sand in place the sand would just blow away. The same goes for you, you are valuable even if you are not big and visible in the world.